Conversation Design Resumes | Tips, Best Practices and Reviews

Live Resume Review and Q+A Replay!

Are you an aspiring conversation designer, UX writer or designer, or ajob seeker looking for advice on creating the perfect resume and finding the best ways to stand out as a candidate? Ready to take the next step and level up in your conversation design career?

This Q&A features experienced Conversation Designer Julia Anderson (Samsung) and UX Designer and Career Coach Hilary Cluett (UX Vocab Club, Floxies), and is moderated by conversation designer and founder of, Hillary Black.

In this session we'll answer ALL of your CxD resumes questions including:

  • How many pages should my resume be?

  • Do I need to change up my resume and cover letter for each application?

  • How can I show my work and make my resume look good without overdoing it?

  • What are the best ways to position your skills in conversation design on your resume?

  • Where should I start if I need to create a new resume from scratch?

  • And more!


Personal Branding as a Conversation Designer


Podcast | Collabria Customer Café: Conversation Design